Edition 2024

Tournament Regulations XXXII Edition 2024

pielle matera minibasket

Please take note of the new regulations valid for the 32nd edition of the International MINIBASKET IN PIAZZA Tournament 2024.

Minibasket in Piazza 2024 Game Regulations

PIELLE MATERA organizes the 32nd edition of the ‘Minibasket in Piazza’ tournament from June 16th to June 22nd, 2024. The event is recognized by FIBA, F.I.P. – Minibasket Sector, and included in the PSG Mini&basket Circuit.

The Values
The Tournament aims to promote sportsmanship, emphasizing educational values and fostering the basketball development of children. It brings together teams from all over Italy and beyond, ensuring fun both on and off the courts through related activities that accompany the event every year. We invite all participants to exhibit fair and respectful behavior to maintain a climate of serenity and joy that every child deserves.

In the 2024 edition of the International Minibasket in Piazza Tournament, teams in the “Aquilotti” category can participate, composed of children born in the years 2013-2014 (those born in 2015 are also allowed). Participating clubs (omitted) declare their compliance with current health and insurance regulations for the participating children and their affiliation with the FIP Minibasket Sector for the current year by participating in the event. The Organizing Committee and the Field Commissioners will verify the documents confirming the club’s affiliation with the FIP Minibasket Sector and their regular registration with the FIP. The verification will be carried out before the start, as well as during the Event. Therefore, each child must have a valid identification document. In the case of participation of children registered with other clubs, the coach must have the authorization from the originating club. They also declare to have formal permission, for each minor, from the holders of parental authority, for the publication of photographs and videos on websites and in the press.

Coaches from Minibasket Centers in Italy must be in compliance with the F.I.P. Minibasket registration for the current year. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED.

Match List
It must be signed and submitted complete with data to the Commissioner before the start of each individual match. If the team consists of more than 12 players, the coach undertakes to ensure that the same number of matches are played by all participating children, communicating in advance and no later than the day of arrival to the group’s responsible party, who will be left out for each individual day (considering that one match is played per day and two on Saturday).

All match reports will be reviewed by the Tournament Commissioner and the Organizing Committee. Non-compliance with this rule will result in the loss of matches and exclusion from the semifinals and finals to access the top 4 positions.

First phase of the tournament
The participating teams are divided into round-robin groups, with one-way matches. Subsequently, based on the results, groups for the subsequent phases will be formulated.

The match
The match consists of 4 periods of 8 minutes each. The teams play 5 vs 5. During the match, the timekeeping should be continuous, except on occasions: for each personal foul, timeouts (one per quarter); for free throws and throw-ins, or whenever signaled by the mini-referee (such as accidents, balls out of play, etc.).

The timeout (one per period for each team) can be requested at any time during the match and must be granted during a stoppage in play (including after a basket is scored). If the result is tied at the end of the four regular periods, a “golden basket” will be played (the team that scores the first point wins the game). Only for the semifinals and finals (for determining positions from 1st to 4th place) will additional periods be played (lasting 3 minutes each and 5 minutes for the final), until the tie is broken.

The matches will be officiated by Mini-referees, minibasket instructors, or social educators, who must give particular importance to the rules of general conduct. Therefore, instructors and players must maintain a correct and fair behavior on the court. It is expressly recommended to prohibit unsportsmanlike behavior on the court and on the bench by players, instructors, and accompanying persons.

Instructors who display incorrect and unsportsmanlike behavior on the bench, such as insulting mini-referees, players of their own team and/or the opposing team, insulting the opposing team’s instructor and the audience, encouraging their own players to commit fouls to leave the court and be substituted, or applying irregular defense tactics, etc., will be punished with a technical foul (resulting in two free throws without rebound and possession of the ball at half-court by the team that shot the free throws). Insults to referees, or unsportsmanlike conduct by parents or spectators, may be sanctioned, at the discretion of the field commissioner, based on severity, with a simple verbal warning/technical foul to the instructor/suspension of the match resulting in a 0-20 forfeit.

Subsequently, another technical foul (resulting in two free throws and following the above rules) and definitive expulsion will be imposed. The expelled instructor must leave the field of play and move away from it (not remain among the audience).

N.B. In the last 3 minutes of the fourth period and during the “golden basket” period or any additional periods, two free throws must always be awarded for each foul.

The following is specified:

  • In case of a charging foul before a made basket, the basket does not count, and no shot will be awarded to the other team;
  • In case of a made basket and a foul by the shooter before or during the shot, the basket counts, and no free throw will be awarded;
  • In case of an unsportsmanlike or disqualifying foul, two free throws will always be awarded to the player who suffered the foul, and possession of the ball at half-court; after two unsportsmanlike fouls, the player must be ejected.

Free throws are always and only two (in case of a shot or drive to the basket and in case of any foul during the last 3 minutes of the fourth period and during additional periods).

The Minibasket game (with minibasket baskets: h mt. 2.60 and minibasket ball) is played between two teams composed of a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 12 players, of which only 5 per team take part in the game for each period. If a team does not take the field in time or presents itself with fewer than 10 players, it will lose the match with a score of 0-30. To avoid further penalizing the children present on the court, the match will be played pro-forma, but the result will not affect the tournament standings (except for the top four positions, which do not have a ranking).
Each child must play at least one full period and a maximum of two full periods per game. Substitutions of players must be made only at the beginning of each period of play. It is possible to substitute a player during the game only in the following cases: leaving the court due to reaching the foul limit (5); disqualifying foul (ejection); injury confirmed by the Mini-referee or the tournament commissioner.

The player who leaves the court can be replaced by a player who, according to the report, has scored the fewest points; in case of a tie in points scored between two or more players on the bench, the coach chooses.

In the case of a team with 11 or 12 players registered, the player who leaves the court can only be replaced by one of the players who should play only one period and has scored the fewest points. If none of these players has entered the court yet, or in case of a tie in points scored, the choice will be made freely by the coach.

If the player substituted due to injury recovers and is fit to return to the court, they can only do so by replacing the player who had previously replaced them (the substitution must be made when the game is stopped).

A player who intentionally commits 5 fouls in one period or who is asked by the coach to commit them to be substituted cannot be replaced for the entire duration of that period, and their team will play with a numerical disadvantage (zone defense is not allowed).

Teams must present themselves at the beginning of the tournament with a minimum of 10 players as per the regulations. If they present themselves at the start of the event with fewer than 10 players, they must obtain the necessary number of players to cover the deficit from registered players of the tournament’s organizing teams. In this case, no complaints can be raised to the organization regarding the technical/motor skills of the child. This also applies if, during the tournament, a team finds itself with fewer than 10 players. The “retrieved” children will be used in the same way as the loaned children.

In the first extra period, both quintets are free to play, in the possible second extra period, 5 players who did not play in the first extra period will play. In the possible third extra period, both quintets are free to play, and so on until the tie is resolved.

Each team, except PIELLE MATERA, may participate in the tournament with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 12 players. Derogations may be granted if requested in advance, but in any case, no more than twelve athletes can take part in each game.

The matches will be officiated by mini-referees from the F.I.P. Basilicata. In case of absence, the Commissioner, in agreement with the President of the Organizing Committee, may identify technically and ethically suitable individuals to fulfill this role.

Technical complaints are not allowed.

Obligations for Participating Teams

By participating in the tournament, the team undertakes to participate in all scheduled matches, the parade through the city streets, and the awards ceremony. At least one instructor or chaperone must be present at any further ceremonies.

At the end of the tournament, all participating children will be awarded in the same manner. We urge team officials to ensure that ALL children are present at the awards ceremony UNTIL THE END.

Clarifications and Forms

It is important to register a maximum of 12 players for each game. On the bench, in addition to the players and the coach, the presence of a second coach is allowed without any other exception.

The players participating in the tournament must comply with the regulations set by their respective federations. Each participating team must have insured its players and be in possession of the certificate of fitness for sports practice (for each player) for the current year.

The coach (maximum two per registration) must possess the MB Instructor card issued by the Minibasket-Fip Sector and comply with the regulations set by the MB Sector for the current sports year.

It is recommended not to register players who are not in compliance with the current rules (fair play and sportsmanship). The following identification documents of players, coaches, and accompanying persons will be considered valid: Fip-certified self-certification, with photo, signed by parents and Cmb President; ID card issued by the Municipality of residence; Driver’s license; Individual or collective passport.

Furthermore, before the start of each game, the coach must present to the Organizers (in order to prepare the game reports in advance) the list of players (up to 12) participating in the match, specifying surname, name, year of birth, and jersey number of all players, as well as the names of the coaches and their card numbers.

It is trusted that coaches and chaperones will use their good judgment for the successful outcome of the event. The Organizing Committee, Mini Referee Instructors, and Tournament Commissioners reserve the right to take measures to ensure that the games are conducted in a proper manner and to report to the competent federal authorities any behaviors, actions, or other matters that are not consistent with the aforementioned principles of fairness, respect, and sportsmanship.

For matters not covered in this Regulation, reference shall be made to the FIP Regulation.

By participating in the Tournament, the Teams accept the rules outlined above.